The Regina Amateur Radio Association Inc. is a group of amateur radio enthusiasts who meet the second Wednesday of each month, except for July and August. See the EVENT CALENDAR for the GENERAL MEETING time & location.

The club conducts ongoing programs of interest to the general membership. If you would like to get in touch with the radio club please write to: P.O. Box 153 Station Main Regina, SK. S4P 2Z6 Canada or by email -

Look for our local amateurs on the local repeaters: 

VE5YQR repeater on 147.120 (+) 100hz tone

VE5YQR repeater on 444.350 (+) 100hz tone

VE5REC repeater on 146.640 (-)

VE5UHF on 444.250 (+)

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Meetings at the Regina public library will start again check the calendar for more information.



Last updated: Feb 1st. 2023

Please support Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
by Joining our national organization.
RARA Supports the DX Code of Conduct, we hope you will as well.
See the details at DX-Code. Org


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