Events Calendar

MS Bike Tour
Hits : 719

The MS Bike Tour will be held on August 20-21,  2016Rick (VE5RJR)  will be organizing this event.

Saturday and Sunday, August 20 & 21
Location: Kiwanis Pavillion - Wakamow Valley
Check-in Time: 7:30 - 9:00 am Saturday
Start Time: 9:00 am Day 1, 8:00 am Day 2
Route Length(s): Day 1 - 50 or 100 km, Day 2 - 50 km
Richard Rickwood, VE5RJR


The time has come to look for volunteers to help out with this event for the year 2016. 12 to 14 radio operators are needed to adequately cover the entire course and assist with the safety and Logistics of the event. If you can donate some time either one day or both days to help out, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The details of the event are listed below. Also attached with this email message is a book which explains the course and a schedule for events for both days.

If you can help out for one or both days of this event, please drop me an email message or give me a phone call as soon as possible to let me know and we will schedule you in for a spot on the tour. If you have any preferences to where are you wish to be positioned let me know in your email.