Events Calendar

Canada Wide Science Fair
Hits : 717
The STEAM 2017 Festival and the Canada Wide Science Fair is coming quickly to Regina on the 18th to the 20th of May at the U of R.  I ask for the local Regina amateur radio community to please help in promoting amateur radio to the youth of Regina and the brightest Canada has to offer.  The RARA booth will perhaps be the first time many kids learn about amateur radio and if we can light a spark in a few, we have the possibility of brining new amateurs to our fantastic hobby.
Regardless if you belong to the RARA or not, if you're an amateur that can help out if only for one hour, your help would be very much appreciated. It would be best to have at least two people at a time in the booth, but the more, the better.  Lets not miss this great opportunity to bring amateur radio our youth.  I you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.